The setup steps first necessitated downloading the Eye-Fi manager software from the Eye Fi site and configuring it for my network. Once that’s done I needed to change the default download location to dump the scans into the Doxie folder in my Pictures folder instead of the default. Basically now Doxie acts as a digital camera and simply dumps scans onto the SD card which in turn wirelessly transfer the scans via the Eye-Fi to my Mac. Since the Doxie software keeps track of the Doxie Eye-Fi folder it automatically populates scans directly into the Doxie application. Pretty clever way of doing this I think.
You can also setup the Eye-Fi to connect to your Mac in Direct Mode meaning you don’t need your Mac and Eye-Fi to be on the same Wi-Fi network for the scans to go through. I have yet to try this out though any issues I may have had would be Eye-Fi specific.
With the built in battery and wireless capabilities the Doxie Go has made the task of managing paper bearable and at times… border line fun 🙂