Archive for the 'OSX' Category

Touch Bar Epiphany

Looking at the various ways Apple chose to use the Touch Bar in their own applications it occurred to me that when (yes when) Apple brings a form of the Touch Bar to the iPad Smart Keyboard it will drastically reduce the need to touch the iPad’s screen to perform a lot of common tasks.  […]

  With iOS 10, scheduled for full release this fall, Siri’s voice becomes the last of the four components to be transformed by machine learning. Again, a deep neural network has replaced a previously licensed implementation. Essentially, Siri’s remarks come from a database of recordings collected in a voice center; each sentence is a stitched-together […]

Yes, yes and yes! This entire analysis by Neil Cybart is so unbelievably spot on:    Apple Watch: “The job of the watch is to do more and more things on your wrist so that you don’t need to pick up your phone as often.”  iPhone: “The job of the phone is to do more and more things […]

Sketch bids farewell

Sketch announced today their departure from the Mac App Store: There are a number of reasons for Sketch leaving the Mac App Store—many of which in isolation wouldn’t cause us huge concern. However as with all gripes, when compounded they make it hard to justify staying: App Review continues to take at least a week, […]

I’ve been meaning to write this for some time now since I get numerous questions whenever I’m showing people something on my MacBook Pro or doing online demos for clients. The reason for the curiosity is that to the uninitiated it would seem like I magically switch from one full screen app to another by […]

Great post over at The Sweet Setup outlining how to save some precious disk space by taking advantage of iTunes Match. Having recently signed up for the service I couldn’t imagine not having it. Just another reason to give it a go.

This past weekend I finally decided to sign up for iTunes Match. The promise of syncing my music and playlists in the cloud and getting some valuable space reclaimed from my iPhone and iPad became quite appealing. Easier said than done. If you start doing a Google search for iTunes Match the first suggested autocomplete […]

Power users will appreciate this little gem.

Tired of save dialogs always defaulting to iCloud? This Terminal gem did the trick for me: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false If you ever want to revert back simply rerun setting the last argument to true.

Great community generated list of some neat tricks in OSX. My favorite one so far: While Cmd tabbing between applications, without releasing CMD, you can hit ‘Q’ to quit or ‘H’ to hide the selected application. Worth a quick peruse… I’m sure even hardcore users will learn something new.

This has been driving me nuts for some time now. Great fix by Dr. Drang.

OSX Mountain Lion

The iOS-ification of OSX continues. Check out a sneak peak of the next iteration of OSX. Or better yet try out one of it’s new features Messages in beta form.


Available now on the Mac App Store is a cool little Lion centric app called Yoink. Like all great little software gems, Yoink was created to scratch an itch. In this case the itch was to figure out a way to more easily drag files between spaces and the new fullscreen apps in Lion. I […]

Imagine carrying around a tiny SSD disk with an entire OSX install and all your files contained on it. You go to work and pop it in a slot on an iMac and boom… you’re up and running on a full fledged workstation with all your data and OS customizations intact. At the end of […]

It Just Works

Great piece by MG Siegler about Apple’s thought process behind iCloud. Give it a quick read over here.

Jumpcut is one of those minimalistic utilities that seem so naturally intuitive you forget that it’s not a part of the OSX when you’re not on your own Mac. Jumpcut is a free application for OSX that simply buffers everything you copy/cut into the clipboard. This buffer is accessible as your clipboard’s history through an […]